Posts Written ByRyan Broward

Doxycycline: The Most Important Thing in Your Suitcase

Malaria is a serious concern for travelers heading to certain tropical and sub-tropical destinations, especially Africa, South Asia and South America. The disease is transmitted by the female Anopheles mosquito which injects the disease-causing parasite, Plasmodium, into its human host through its saliva during a blood meal. There are five different species responsible for malaria in humans, and they vary in the severity of disease they cause. The most deadly form is commonly found in sub-Saharan Africa. Around 1,700 malaria cases are diagnosed in the US each year in returning travelers. Malaria can be severe and even fatal if left…

Protect yourself from liability while driving!

Have you ever been subjected to a road rage incident or involved in an accident that was not your fault? If your response to either of these questions is no, potentially you could be in the future. Therefore, investing in some modern technology in the form of a camera in your car could accurately record any incidents you may experience and give you peace of mind. There are other rationales that make fitting a camera in your car beneficial, for instance it may significantly reduce the amount of car insurance you usually have to pay and it can provide irrefutable,…

Asian Cuisine’s Imprint on San Francisco’s Culinary History

(Image Credit: Z & Y Restaurant) From the Gold Rush to today, San Francisco could claim to be the Asian cuisine capital of the United States. The coastal location and boom industries attracted immigrants including Asians. This contributes to the cosmopolitan history and cuisine that attracts culinary tourists to San Francisco. Gold Rush Immigration Leads to America’s First Chinatown The Asian imprint on San Francisco cuisine starts with the Chinese. Due to the coastal location and proximity to boom industries like gold prospecting, San Francisco attracted Chinese immigrants. Many came to work building the railroad network connecting California and Utah.…

Where To Go Online To Learn Something New

If you are looking to learn something new then you no longer need to go back to school or college in order to do it. Because of the times that we are living in, all you need to do is switch on your laptop or computer, and get searching the web for a treasure trove of information, right at your fingertips from blogs, online magazines and educational resources. There are so many ways in which you can learn new things using the internet and regardless of whether you are looking to learn how to play the guitar, for guides on…

Paris is always a good idea: best things to do in the City of Lights

From authors such as Hemingway and Emerson to celebrities like Audrey Hepburn, Paris has captured the imagination of vagabonds and the culturally-attuned for generations. This hasn’t changed in the modern era, as Paris was the 3rd most visited city in the world in 2016, with 18 million people passing through immigration at Charles de Gaulle airport. Want to join them in the coming months? Don’t wait until the last minute to plan your trip to France’s gift to the world. Below, we will share several ideas on how you can make your time in the City of Lights memorable. 1)…

3 Tips to a Money-Saving Vacation

When was the last time you had a great vacation? You know, one where you did not fret the entire time about how much money you were spending in the process? Having a fun vacation with or without family doesn’t have to leave you worrying about expenses. Sure, vacations do not come free in most cases. While you may travel for work at little cost, is there time aside from your work responsibilities to enjoy yourself? As you think about your next vacation, be pro-active when it comes to saving money along the way. In doing so, you have one…

The Best Way to See Barcelona

  Barcelona is one of the best cities in the world to explore and was built over a long period of time, showing history from the Romans and more recently Gaudi but that’s not the only reason why people explore the rich city of Barcelona, a city renowned for it’s culture and people. Many people choose to take a tour to discover every corner of Barcelona with BGB. There are so many things to see, to get the most of your trip you need someone to show you around. A tour guide will help you to get your bearings of…

Awesome Places For a UK Break

The United Kingdom’s tourism levels have rocketed in recent years as more and more people look to take a vacation on their own doorstep. Weekend breaks in particular have seen huge rises in the last 3 years alone and recent surveys from many holiday companies have shown that far more Brits would prefer to spend their money exploring their own country than heading off to other European hotspots. There are many reasons for this shift in allegiance and whilst heading off to a foreign land is still the most popular option for tourists, it is nice to see that Brits…

Make the Internet Your Best Friend

When it comes to the Internet, you can either love it or hate it. Sure, there are some people who would say they find themselves in the middle, but for many, it is one extreme or the other. That said the Internet can in fact be your best friend over time when used in the correct manner. Should You Know Someone’s Background? One of the means to put the worldwide web to use is by doing a background check on individuals for a myriad of reasons. For instance, has the time come when you’ve decided your finances are getting the…

Choosing a good pair of sunglasses for travel

When hitting the trail, there are many things that will make your trip easier. In our mind, sunglasses are one of the most important accessories a traveler can bring, as the sun can be very strong in many popular tropical destinations. Even in temperate climates, the UV rays that the sun gives off can seriously harm your eyes over years of exposure. Protecting your sight by using sunglasses is crucial, whether you are on vacation or at home. We also realize that you want to be the coolest dude/gal on the beach. In this article, we’ll talk about how to…